The information from Criminal Record Checks reduces risk and protects your company’s reputation. In addition, searching each county, state, and federal jurisdiction based on the address history generated from the SSN Trace, résumé, and employment application create a more complete and accurate background check.
Using Criminal Record Checks can help you:
Criminal Record Checks will report convictions for up to 7-years
or longer, depending on the jurisdiction.
Determine if your applicant has a Canadian criminal record through the national CPIC.
Find the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date information for felonies and misdemeanors.
Search for Interstate crimes such as embezzlement, fraud, discrimination, and alike.
Search country-specific criminal repositories for those who have lived and worked outside the U.S.
Instantly and simultaneously search the criminal records in nearly all 50 states.
Instantly and simultaneously search the sex offender registries in nearly all 50 states.
Search the most up-to-date information as provided by each Jurisdiction.
Instantly discover if your applicant has state-specific criminal records.
Find if your applicant is on the sex offender registry of a specific state.
Instantly and simultaneously search 3 databases with over 600 million criminal records.
Find if your applicant has an outstanding warrant from various states, counties, or law enforcement agencies.
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trustHR | GObackgrounds
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